Section 5: Retouching Tools

The Photoshop retouching tools works on the principal of taking information from existing pixels and altering them to create a particular effect. It is important to remember that the retouching tools employ destructive editing. This means that the original pixels are being ‘destroyed’ and replaced by ‘new’ pixels. To enable the easy roll back of changes to our image, Photoshop has a few very useful features: History Palette, History Brush and Snapshot.

Read more: Section 5: Retouching Tools

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Section 4: Layers

When making composite images in Photoshop (one image from several elements), we use layers. Imagine a layer as a sheet of clear transparent film over the image. When painting on these sheets, anything underneath the layer will show trough the transparent unpainted areas.  Layers give us precise control over the position and look of different elements without altering the rest of the image.

Read more: Section 4: Layers

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