The Campaign Member object is what allows us to report on both Leads and Contacts in the same report. But out the box it's quite limited. Let's see how we can power up Campaign Members in order to expand our reporting.
To illustrate what we're doing, let me give you an example scenario broken down by background, requirements and solution.
Your company sells different types of software. One of these products are available to trial, by signing up via a Pardot form. The challenge is that both existing Contacts and also new Leads sign up for trials.
We need to be able to report on the following metrics on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis:
- New trial sign-ups
- Number of trial signups
- Who are they; existing customers, new leads etc.
This is of course an ideal scenario to use the Campaigns with Campaign Member report. Using this report will allow us to show who signed up for a trial, irrespective of whether they are existing Contacts or new Leads; all in one report. The challenge is that we'll also need some information from the Lead and Contact object